Qualia CIH Inc.

A full-service Occupational Health, Environmental Health, Workplace Safety, Industrial Hygiene, and Ergonomics ~ Services and Products Corporation.

We operate Nationwide in all 50 States at the highest level of expertise and customer satisfaction. Based in the mountains to the northwest of New York City, we can meet and exceed your health, safety, and environmental needs and regulatory obligations. If you have a question or concern about the workplace environment or the built environment or the home environment, please contact us. If you have a question or concern about building safety, life safety, fire safety, electrical safety, or transportation safety, please contact us. If you have any questions or concerns about industrial hygiene, please contact us. If you have any questions or concerns about ergonomics, please contact us. If you would like your building to qualify for USGBC LEED certification, please contact us.

Take care and be safe!
